Wednesday, February 08, 2006

We Can be as Offensive as You

News story of the day:

An Iranian Newspaper has launched a competition to find the best cartoon about the Holocaust in retaliation for the publication of caricatures of Prophet Muhammad.

The iranian daily Hamshahri said its contest was designed to test the boundaries of Free Speech - the reason many European Newspapers have given for publishing the cartoons of the prophet. Each of the 12 winners will have their cartoons published and receive two Gold coins (worth about £80 each) as a prize.

The move was denounced by the conference o f European Rabbis. Joseph Sitruk, the Chief Rabbi of France, said:
The Iranian regime has plummeted to new depths if it regards the death of 6million Jews as a matter for humour

Source: Metro

Now its fully understood that Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, but its only fair to ask, do they then regard the caricatures of the holy Prophet as a matter of humour?

In other News:

Thousands of copies of a student newspaper had to be recalled after it reprinted one of the caricatures of the Holy Prophet. The editor of Gair Rhydd - which means Free Word in Welsh - was suspended from the Students' Union at cardiff University and three other student Journalists are being investigated. All copies of the newspaper were withdrwan from distribution points.

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